Farasatsoft Technology – Innovative ICT Solution

Q/A & Q/C
  • FSOFTERP Quality assurance software systems launched from a single platform can dramatically streamline a company's processes, increase profitability, and decrease tensions between QA and engineering. The working relationship of quality assurance and other departments within a company is further facilitated by software tools for automated collaboration, routing, escalation, approval, electronic signature control, and others. These QA software tools are designed to improve communication between departments to help ensure that nothing gets overlooked.

  • Whether a company is striving to meet ISO, FDA regulations, software systems for quality assurance management can greatly enhance the efficiency of quality control processes. Having a compliant quality assurance system also helps alleviate the stress involved with FDA and ISO audits.

About Farasatsoft Technology

Farasatsoft Technology is the ERP Software development IT firm in Bangladesh since 2014, we are developing various type of commercial software like Pharmaceutical ERP, Garments ERP, and Accounts, HR & Payroll, Supply Chain, Manufacturing Module etc.

We are committed to the clients to gives the services & supports always, we trying to give our best effort to the client.

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